For my contents page, I have decided to have a theme throughout my magazine. I thought it was a pretty clever idea (well for me anyway) to play on words to make the magazine more appealing for my target audience. As we are a girl school (mainly) and we tend to read more magazines over boys, I choose to focus the idea about us girls being called “Miss”. Therefore, I will play on words, which may not necessarily link to a girls school and put my own stamp on them. For example I will use words such as:
- Misunderstanding which I will turn into = Miss Understanding, who will be known as my Agony Aunt for the magazine that will help out with any problems us girls may have, whether it is down to exam stress, future career, friendship problems ideas etc.
- Misfortune = Miss Fortune, who will be my horoscope, star sign reader, to let readers known what is ahead of them and what to look out for.
- Misfit = Miss Fit, who will be my sports person, giving us the latest ways to keep ourselves fit and healthy and other relaxing ways to keep ourselves chilled is we become stressed for exams or coursework deadlines.
- Mislabeled = Miss Labelled, who will be my fashion icon, giving everyone the seasons trends and must haves, and not forgetting what’s hot and what’s not!
- Misadventure = Miss Adventure, who will be my extra curriculum person, who will inform us on keeping our brain active and stimulated with activities outside of school.
person that will tell us about the latest school meal deals and will be open to any questions or any new ideas that the pupils would like to have in the school canteen.- Misguided = Miss Guided, who will be my organiser, who informs everyone with the latest updates, news and anything else that everyone needs to know.
- Mistune = Miss Tune, who will be my latest tunes person, meaning they will keep us up to date with the latest songs, giving reviews, to help us chill when on a break from school work.
What you have written here is very interesting and informative. The concept of the different "Miss" you have developed are clever and nicely presented. The use of the pictures makes it aesthetically pleasing.