Main image: this is where a picture dominates the double page spread,
and usually will be based on the subject/person featured in the article.
Banner Headline: this is usually where a page wide headline (or ,maybe smaller) is used to inform
the reader, what this particular page and article is on.
Stand First: this is a paragraph that introduces and teases the audience about this particular article shown on the double page spread. This gives the audience something to think about, leaving a question in their mind, which they can find the answer to once they have read the article.
Quote: is picked out from a particular piece of text within the
article, which is particularly eye-catching and grabs the attention of the
reader. It is usually from the person who the article is about (but not always!).
Page Numbers: are used to inform the reader of what page of
the magazine they are on as well as being about to locate a particular story
they read in the contents page quickly and efficiently.
Drop Capitals: these are usually found at the start of the main text of the article to introduce the topic. These are used to stand out from the page so the reader can easily find where the article starts. This is particularly shown in Q and NME magazine below:
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