Again, as I mentioned in my previous post that as I am a rather indecisive person, I have done 3 first drafts for each of my front cover, contents page and double page spread. Like I said in my front cover post, they all look rather different but still include the same content, just have a different picture that I have used for each draft. I tried to ensure that I kept to the typical conventions that you find on an acoustic contents page, which is defiantly including a guitar somewhere on the page (check!) To ensure that I have kept continuity with my front cover, I have kept the same fonts used throughout my contents page. For example, the "contents" headline at the top is the same font I used for my mast head on the front cover "New garden" font. Also, I have used "Bell MT" in the red subheading (to help people navigate to each page) like I used for my price and March 2012 feature on my front page. I also found this old paper image off the internet when I did my post inspirational photos, which inspired me to try this out on my contents page (as you can see I have tried to incorporate it in each contents draft).
With the contents page, I have found it more difficult to decide on which image I believe has more of an acoustic feel to it. Currently, I have stuck between image 2 and 3. This is because that I prefer different aspect of each drafts and at this moment in time it is hard to chose between the two. Also, they are completely different, which does not help making my decision any easier. Therefore, what I think will be best to do, is to carry on editing both drafts and then decide which one looks better once I have added more features onto it and changing the design around.
I like the subtle hues you have used in this contents page. Keep up this level of effort and make sure you reflect on the process of production.